Monday, October 24, 2011

Homemade Oatmeal Packets

My kids eat oatmeal almost everyday during the winter. They love the expensive Quaker fruit and cream oatmeal packets. I am determined to find a less expensive, healthier way to make these packets.

After searching online I have come up with a recipe that I think would work for our family. It can be easily adapted to individual likes as well.

I made cranberries and cream packets as well as cinnamon and brown sugar. My oldest liked the cinnamon and brown sugar and I liked the cranberries and cream. The jury is still out on which ones my husband and my youngest prefer.

Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Oatmeal Packets


1/4 Cup Quick Oats
1 Tbsp finely ground quick or rolled oats (optional) - add if you like your oatmeal a little thick
1/8 Tsp salt
1/2 Tsp brown sugar
1/4 Tsp cinnamon

Place ingredients into each packet, seal and shake. When ready to use add milk or water and heat in the microwave for 45-60 seconds.

Cranberries and Cream Oatmeal Packets


1/4 Cup Quick Oats (I purchased these in bulk for $1.89 at Aldi)
1 Tbsp finely ground quick oats or rolled oats (optional) - add if you like it on the thicker side
1/8 Tsp salt
1 Tbsp powdered milk or powdered cream
1/2 Tsp sugar
18-24 dried cranberries or other dried fruit

Place ingredients into each packet, seal and shake. When ready to use add milk or water and heat in microwave for 45-60 seconds.

The only reason I used dried cranberries instead of blueberries is because of cost. The cranberries were much cheaper, but once I get a coupon for the dried blueberries I will try them as well.

*You may need to add additional sugar if you like your oatmeal on the sweet side like I do.